Become A Practice Champion!

Our 100 days of practice challenge is well underway and our students continue to impress us every day with their tenacity, their creativity and their hard work and focus!

Whether you are participating in the challenge or not, it is always important to change things up in your practice routine. Check out the tips below and consider incorporating some!

What are your favorite practice tips? We would love to hear what you're doing at home!

Tip #1 Dedicate Time and Space

Try doing your practice at the same time every day. That way it becomes automatically incorporated into your routine! Dedicate a quiet, distraction free space and make sure your family knows that it is your practice time so that no one bothers you! Or, perhaps try decorating the space so it's somewhere you enjoy spending time!

Tip #2 Set Practice Goals

There's nothing wrong with a little healthy competition, right? Set goals and compete with yourself in learning new songs, memorizing lines, getting closer to hitting the splits or whatever it is that you may be working toward!

Tip #3 Find a Role Model!

Do you have that favorite musician, singer, or dancer that you just love to watch? Having a role model or looking up to a professional in your chosen art form is a great way to build motivation and stay inspired! Don't have a role model? Ask your teacher to recommend some artists for you to look up!

Tip #4 Switch it Up!

Some days you just aren't in the right mindset to pick up that violin or put on your ballet shoes, and that's okay! We all have our off days and when you recognize that you are having one, there are things that you can do to still make sure you are optimizing your practice session. Maybe try some active listening, or close your eyes and visualize yourself doing your dance routine, or playing your piano etude effortlessly!

Tip #5 Gather an Audience

Sometimes we perform at our best when there are stakes involved. Put on a mini performance for your family or your favorite stuffed animals and showcase your talent. Remember, you are an ARTIST. You have the power to change people's day with a simple song or beautiful dance.


Top 5 Practice Tips From Your Teachers!


100 Days of Practice Challenge may change your child’s practice habits….but only with your help.