Private Lessons
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Private Lessons for students of ALL AGES!
Music House offers private Piano, Violin, Cello, Viola, Ukulele, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Saxophone, Trumpet, Flute, Clarinet, Voice, Dance, Acting, Language, and Music Production lessons.
The one-on-one relationship of our private lessons provides a customized and focused setting for the development of you or your child’s talent.
Curious about our lessons?
Answer the survey below and one of our dedicated staff members will be in touch shortly!
Want to register today?
Select a class from the list below and register for your FREE TRIAL today!
Registering for a free trial will require filling out our registration form and select “Yes - I would like to Trial this class”. Registering for a free trial includes contact information, student information, signing off on Music House policies, and adding payment information. No charges will be processed until you agree to continuing after your free trial.
If a teacher offers multiple instruments for a trial, please specify the instrument you prefer in the Comments Section of the Registration Form.
Registration Fee: $25
$176/month - Equal Monthly Rate Tuition for 30-minute weekly lessons
First monthly-payment class is full price.
Additional monthly-payment Private Lessons are 10% off.
Some exclusions may apply.
Feel free to contact us with any questions at
Private Lesson Policies
Registration Fee
A non-refundable fee of $25 per family is required at the time of Registration.
Payment of Fees
Tuition is paid by automatic credit card payment. A Credit Card or Debit Card is required to be on file in order to remain enrolled in Music House Programming. All charges will appear on your credit card statement as being from Music House, Inc.
Monthly-Payment Programming
Programming with Monthly-Payment schedules will be charged to your credit card on the 1st day of each month and have an Equal Monthly Rate Tuition that accounts for all Music House Closures. If the 1st day of a month falls on a holiday or weekend, charges may occur on the next following business day.
Private Lesson and Group Class Pricing
Music House will provide 3-months notice via email for any changes to Monthly-Payment tuitions for Dance Class, Group Class, and/or Private Lessons.
Missed Lessons and Make-Up Lessons:
In order to be eligible for a makeup private lesson, you will be required to notify us of the cancellation via email to at least 48 hours prior to the lesson.
Any Private Lesson cancellation made with less than 48 hours notice will not be eligible for a makeup. This includes cases of illness.
Two cancellations will be eligible for makeups per calendar year (January through December.)
Makeups expire after six months of the canceled classes.
We are unable to provide refunds or credits for any missed lessons or late cancellations because we need to ensure we can continue to cover our operational costs.
Students are expected to be present and on time for all private lessons.
You will forfeit any private lesson makeups upon withdrawal from private lessons.
Students may switch their in-person lesson to a Zoom lesson by making a request via email to at least 24 hours in advance.
Alternatively, up to three times per calendar year, students may request a 5-10 minute video tutorial from their teacher in place of a lesson by emailing at least 24 hours in advance.
Music House reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher. You will be notified of this change by email 48 hours in advance whenever possible. If you opt to cancel your lesson after receiving notice of a substitute, the canceled lesson will not be eligible for a makeup lesson.
Unexpected Interruption of Classes
If Music House must cancel lessons or classes due to extreme weather or events beyond our control, no makeup lessons or classes will be offered. No refunds.
We require four weeks notice of your intent to withdraw. This request must be sent via email to to discontinue any classes.
All automatic credit card charges will stop after the four week notice period.
Music House, Inc reserves the right to terminate lessons to any students without notice.
Families that withdraw from Music House programming would be required to pay a Registration Fee upon returning to Music House Programming.
There is a two-month enrollment minimum for all lessons and classes.
I agree to safely keep and carefully use any Music House rental equipment / instrument and agree not to sell, give, or loan the rented instrument to any other party or remove the rented instrument from the State of Illinois.
In the event the equipment / instrument is lost or damaged beyond repair, the lessee agrees to pay Music House, Inc seventy-five (75) percent of the current retail price regardless of age or condition of the instrument. Music House, Inc shall be the sole judge in all cases.
Rental Fees are paid by automatic credit card payment. All charges will appear on your credit card statement as being from Music House, Inc. Rental Fees will be charged to your credit card on the 1st day of each month. If the 1st day of a month falls on a holiday or weekend, charges may occur on the next following business day. A Credit Card or Debit Card is required to be on file in order to continue renting Music House instruments/equipment.Music House will provide 3-months notice via email for any changes to Rental Fees.
Rental Instrument Purchases: If you choose to purchase a Music House Rental Instrument, three months of rental credit can be applied toward the purchase of the rental instrument.
Rental Instrument Returns: Rental equipment / instruments must be returned to Music House studio locations, 2925 W. Devon Ave or 1018 N. California Ave. Failure to return equipment / instruments to a Music House studio location will result in continued rental fees until equipment / instruments are properly returned.
Music House lessons, classes, and ensembles do not constitute daycare. Music House is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students in Music House studios. Parents with students under the age of 6 are to remain at Music House during in-studio classes. Students over the age of 6 are to be picked up promptly after class.
Parents will pick up their student from Music House classes promptly at the end of class, or a charge of $1 per minute will be processed with the payment method on the family's Music House account for picking up students after the class's scheduled end time. -
For the safety and health of all our students and teachers, sick students need to stay home. Please do not send your student to Music House if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms: Fever, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Eye Discharge, Severe Coughing.
We know it can be a very frustrating time when a student must stay home because of illness. No tuition adjustment will be made for absences due to illness.
Humboldt Park Studio
1018 N California Ave
West Rogers Park Studio
2925 W Devon Ave