Summer is a Great Time to Continue (or start!) Music, Dance, and Theater Classes!

Summer break is fast approaching, which means sunshine, vacation, and… lessons? Yes! Summer is the perfect time to continue (or start!) music, dance, and theater classes! 

What are the benefits of summer lessons?

  1. Keep momentum: You’ve worked so hard this year and made immense progress! Summer lessons allow you to keep this momentum and remain in a state of flow. 

    Continuing lessons over the summer isn’t choosing between progressing or not progressing, but actually progressing or regressing. Think about it this way: if you were to train for a race, slowly building strength and endurance, and then stop for several months, would you be able to just pick up where you left off? Of course not! You’d struggle to run even close to the same distance or speed, because you haven’t been working those muscles. It works the same with learning a new art form!

    When you return to lessons after several months off, it can take several more months just to get back to where you were before the break. The things that were once easy are now difficult, which can be incredibly frustrating and demotivating. 

    When you continue lessons over the summer, you avoid this “summer slide” and not only maintain the skills you worked so hard to acquire, but progress as well!

    Read more about the importance of maintaining a state of flow when learning something new here!

  2. More time and less pressure: During the school year, homework, extra curriculars, and all around busy schedules make it difficult to fit in practice. Many students progress the most during summer, simply because they have more time to practice! 

    Summer lessons are also an excellent time to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Without the pressure of concerts or auditions around the corner, you can use this time to try out a new genre of music or style of dance! 

    Interested in starting lessons for the first time? The more relaxed environment makes summer lessons the perfect time to do this!

  3. Flexible lesson schedule: During the summer, lessons aren’t limited to after school and evening hours. Do you thrive in the mornings? Schedule a morning lesson! Are you looking for an extra boost? Schedule lessons twice a week! 

    You can also take advantage of the flexible summer schedule by signing up for fewer lessons during the summer, so you can plan around your vacations, summer camps, and other activities!

  4. In Summer, we adjust tuition for vacations!

    When you continue through the summer, just let us know when you’ll be out of town and we will adjust your tuition so that you don’t pay for weeks you are out of town!

  5. It’s FUN! Summer lessons are a great way to stay creative, and join a community of other artists! Whether you’re starting lessons for the first time, or continuing after many years, summer lessons are a FUN way to add structure and creativity to your break!  

Having trouble choosing between group and private lessons? Read more about to choose here! 

Register for summer lessons today! 


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