Recital Costumes and Hair Options
Recital Costumes
For the Winter Dance Recital, we are opting for quality dancewear that can be worn all year in class. Your dancer will be able to keep this dancewear.
LABEL EVERYTHING WITH YOUR DANCER’S NAME. This includes all dance shoes, tights, bag, water bottle, snack container, etc.
The $60 production fee charged to you on November 15th covered this dancewear as well as production costs including technical staffing, theater rental, and props.
The costume dancewear will be coming home with your dancer in January. While measurements help get the best fit for sizing, you may need to make small adjustments.
Performance Hair Options
Unless specified by the teacher, all dancers should have their hair secured neatly away from the face and off the neck.
For dancers with long or mid-length hair, options include...
Braided low bun
For dancers with textured hair, options can include...
Bantu knots
Sleek high poof
Boxed braids
For dancers with hair too short for a bun, options can include...
Gel or bobby pins cross-pinned to secure hair away from the face
Small ponytail(s)
Thin headband matching the costume